Survey on the Model National Response Maturity Model

We developed in consultation with UNICEF and the governments of our Global Taskforce a Model National Response Maturity Model and a self-assessment tool to help the Alliance government members self-assess their progress in responding to Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Online and develop tailored strategic action plans. This survey will help us deepen our understanding of how the Model National Response is being implemented around the world and enable us to direct and prioritise areas for support, capacity building and further development.

Please note that 

  1. The individual results shared via the survey will not be disclosed outside of the secretariat team and will not be used to rank or benchmark particular countries’ responses. The secretariat may analyse the survey responses to identify trends and recommendations for further development, but this would only be done in an aggregated and anonymised way e.g. to show regional variations and nuances.  
  1. The Alliance may identify and facilitate opportunities for cross-country knowledge exchange and learning on specific capabilities and initiatives. This would only be arranged with the prior consent and agreement of all parties involved.