Gabriella Kärnekull Wolfe

Sweden’s Ombudsman against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Co-founder of the survivor organisation Not Your Whore and representative from Child10

Gabriella Kärnekull Wolfe photo

Gabriella is a survivor of online-facilitated abuse and commercial exploitation. Five years ago, at age 19, she co-founded one of Sweden’s first survivor-led organisations bringing awareness to child sexual exploitation – Not Your Whore.

Behind this organisation, there was the intention to create an appeal for women, transgender people and children who have been victims of commercial sexual exploitation. They  managed to collect hundreds of survivors who testified about their abuse and their demands for change in Sweden’s largest newspaper. The appeal grew into an organisation and is now one of Sweden’s most renowned organisations in the field. The organisation connects hundreds of survivors of exploitation and makes their voices heard, by influencing laws and creating change.

She is currently employed by Child10 and is also Sweden’s Ombudsman against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (OKSE). The mission of the Ombudsman is to protect and strengthen the rights of children who have been victims or are at risk of commercial sexual exploitation by reporting on the needs of affected children, reviewing Sweden’s efforts in the field and coordinating the work of the civil society sector.

As a member of the WeProtect Global Alliance’s Global Policy Board, she works to ensure that all policies and procedures within the organisations are informed by survivor knowledge and experience.