Our publications

Publications produced and commissioned by WeProtect Global Alliance, including frameworks, reports and briefing papers:


Frameworks to help organise the response to child sexual exploitation and abuse at national and global levels.

Model National Response

MNR Thumbnail

Guidance & support to countries and organisations to help build response to child sexual exploitation and abuse online.

The Maturity Model: a tool to facilitate tailored national responses and foster a climate of continuous improvement.

Implementing the Model National Response

Global Strategic Response

Global Threat Assessment landscape

One-page overview across policy, criminal justice, victim support, technology, society and research

Implementing the Global Strategic Response


Our reports inform on the global threats and the collective response to child sexual abuse online.

Global Threat Assessment 2023

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Assessing the scale and scope of child sexual abuse online

Access information about specific sections of the report:

  1. Analysis of the sexual threats children face online
  2. Preventing child sexual abuse online through public health approaches
  3. Centring children’s rights and perspectives in the response
  4. Globally aligned legislation to protect children online

Alongside the Global Threat Assessment 2023, we have published two reports:

Video presentation of WeProtect Exec Director, Iain Drennan, explaining the Global Threat Assessment.

Child exposure to online sexual harms surveys

Economist Impact European survey front cover

European survey 2023

A European study, conducted by Economist Impact, of 2,000 18-year-olds across four European countries to understand their experiences of and exposure to online sexual harms during childhood.

Economis Impact

Global survey 2021

A global study of 18-20 year-olds in 54 countries worldwide to find out more about their experiences of online sexual harms, conducted by Economist Impact

Child ‘self-generated’ sexual material online: children and young people’s perspectives

Front cover report

In this research conducted with Praesidio Safeguarding, we listened to children and young people’s views on the issue of ‘self-generated’ sexual material in three different country contexts – Ghana, Thailand and Ireland. 

Framing the Future

Framing the future front cover 1

This report is a review of the Model National Response (MNR) that sets out how and where the MNR has been implemented in the six years since its introduction across 42 Alliance countries. 

Child sexual exploitation and abuse online: Survivors’ Perspectives

Project Report EN

In partnership with ECPAT International and six of its network member organisations, research conducted to amplify the voices of survivors of child sexual abuse online

Survey of technology companies

tech survey

A survey of industry members conducted in partnership with the Tech Coalition to understand the scope of activities by technology companies to combat the issue of child sexual abuse online

How to talk about child sexual abuse in the digital world

How to talk

A FrameWorks UK brief prepared for WeProtect Global Alliance

How we talk about child sexual exploitation and abuse online matters. Our communications can make the difference between salience and dismissal, between hope and fatalism, between collective action and stepping back.

Briefing papers